Tuesday 7 May 2013

level ladder for investigation homework

Considering Evidence
·        State the findings from Christina and Declan’s evidence:The leaf with no carbon dioxide had starch/no starch.
The leaf with no water had starch/no starch.
The leaf with no light had starch/no starch.
The control leaf had starch/no starch.
·        State the conclusion:
Plants need ________ to make starch.
Evaluating Evidence
·        Suggest an improvement to the investigation.
The investigation could have been improved if…
Considering Evidence
·        State Christina and Declan’s evidence:The leaf with no carbon dioxide had starch/no starch.
The leaf with no water had starch/no starch.
The leaf with no light had starch/no starch.
The control leaf had starch/no starch.
·        Explain your conclusion using simple scientific ideas. Plants need ________ and ________ to make starch.
Evaluating Evidence
·        Suggest improvements with reasons.
Considering Evidence
·        Describe Christina and Declan’s evidence:The leaf with no carbon dioxide had starch/no starch.
The leaf with no water had starch/no starch.
The leaf with no light had starch/no starch.
The control leaf had starch/no starch.
·        State the conclusion:
Plants need ________ and ________ to make starch.
·        Explain your conclusion using scientific words.
Evaluating Evidence
·        Suggest how the investigation could be improved.
·        Suggest practical improvements.
Considering Evidence
·        Make a generalisation based on Christina and Declan’s evidence.
·        Explain your conclusion using scientific ideas to explain the evidence in detail.
·        Identify any anomalies in the results.
Evaluating Evidence
·        Evaluate the evidence: suggest some strengths and weaknesses with the evidence.
·        Decide if the data is sufficient to support the conclusion.
·        Explain in detail how the method could be improved.
Considering Evidence
·        Make a generalisation based on Christina and Declan’s evidence.
·        Explain your conclusion using scientific ideas to explain the evidence in detail.
·        State your conclusion. Make a quantitative generalisation based on the results.
·        Explain any anomalies in the results.
·        Discuss how certain you can be of the conclusions you have made
Evaluating Evidence
·        Evaluate the evidence: suggest a range of strengths and weaknesses with the evidence.
·        Explain in detail how the method could be improved based on your evaluation.
·        Discuss if the data is sufficient to support the conclusion.
Considering Evidence
As for Level 8 but also:
·        Explain the relationship scientifically, where appropriate, offering alternative views, using scientific ideas and mathematical units appropriately.
·        Discuss how certain you can be of the evidence.
Evaluating Evidence
·        Evaluate the evidence: suggest a range of strengths and weaknesses with the evidence.
·        Discuss how certain you are about the evidence.
·        Explain in detail how the method could be improved based on your evaluation.
·        Discuss if the data is sufficient to support the conclusion, explaining what additional could be collected.

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