Thursday 6 December 2012

printing issues

if you are having trouble printing the questions I have put a word document in the shared area for you to print out.

go to science/miss timms/year9/hmwk

Monday 3 December 2012

Homework Monday 3rd december

There are 4 sets of questions for you to work through.

1. copper questions
2. metals questions
3. reactivity series questions
4. hydrochlroic acid

PRINT out the questions (either at home or in the library) and complete them.

They are exam style questions & some of them are similar to those you did in the test. Remember the amount of time you should spend on a question is based on how many marks it is worth.
e.g. 2 mark question, spend 2 minutes

DUE 10th December

Homework 3.12.12- copper questions

Homework 3.12.12- metals questions

Homework 3.12.12-displacement questions

Homework 3rd Decemeber 2012-hydrochloric questions