Thursday 6 December 2012

printing issues

if you are having trouble printing the questions I have put a word document in the shared area for you to print out.

go to science/miss timms/year9/hmwk

Monday 3 December 2012

Homework Monday 3rd december

There are 4 sets of questions for you to work through.

1. copper questions
2. metals questions
3. reactivity series questions
4. hydrochlroic acid

PRINT out the questions (either at home or in the library) and complete them.

They are exam style questions & some of them are similar to those you did in the test. Remember the amount of time you should spend on a question is based on how many marks it is worth.
e.g. 2 mark question, spend 2 minutes

DUE 10th December

Homework 3.12.12- copper questions

Homework 3.12.12- metals questions

Homework 3.12.12-displacement questions

Homework 3rd Decemeber 2012-hydrochloric questions

Monday 26 November 2012

HOMEWORK 26.11.12

Revise for the test on the Monday 3rd December- revision question below:

Print out & complete the questions below:

a) over time, the appearance of many metals changes as they are affected by..............................and....................Silver objects become.....................................and iron objects........................But gold objects remain the same because gold is a very........................metal.

b) Magnesium is a fairly reactive metal. it reacts with hydrochloric acid to form a salt called........................................and hydrogen gas.

c) When metals are heated, they react the air to form metal.......................By observing the reaction between metals & oxygen, you can place the metals in order of reactivity from the most to the..................reactive.

d) In displacement reactions, a...................reactive metal displaces a.......................reactive metal from its compound. In the reaction between iron & copper sulphate, the iron, which is.....................reactive, displaces the copper to form.................................................and ........................................

complete the word equations
a) metal  + acid
b) metal + oxygen
c) metal carbonate + acid
d) metal + water

What type of salt do these acids produce?
a) hydrochloric acid
b) sulphuric acid
c) nitric acid

What is the chemical name for rust?
What metal does rust usually come from?
What processes are involved in the production of rust?

What can be used to protect metals from reacting with oxygen?

Name a metal that doesn't tarnish over a long period of time?

Which solution is alkaline?
a) pH3
b) pH7
c) pH 10

How can we test the pH of a solution?

Revise all metal & reactivity topics& use the BBC bitesize revision activities

Friday 23 November 2012

Displacement reaction homework

print off the picture & complete the word equations (have a go at the symbol equations if you can).
use displacement cartoons to help you.

REMEMBER: a MORE reactive metal will displace (push) a LESS reactive metal from its compound

Monday 12 November 2012

Metals homework- 13.11.12

Homework- solve the riddle to put these metals in order of their reactivity (larger image of the riddle is below)

Make a poster to suggest how we could use the order of reactivity to find out what metals these objects are that were found by the two teenagers. What experiments could you do on them? How will will know which metal they are? You must include the order of reactivity in your poster to show that you understand it.

Due Friday 23rd November (you can hand it in to me before this date if you complete it.)

email it to me if you complete it on powerpoint or publisher-

Metals homework

Metals homework

Sunday 14 October 2012

Metals presentations must be completed for Friday 19th

All your presentations about metals must be completed for Friday the 19th October!

Email the presentations to me (
or bring them on your memory stick

Things you need to include:
Historical Information
Who discovered your element?
When and where was it discovered?
How was it discovered?
What is the origin of its name?
Chemical information and properties
What is its symbol?
What does it look like?
What are its melting - and boiling points? Other properties……..?
How does it react with other elements, air, water, or acids?
Where does the element occur naturally - on earth, in the Solar System, in the stars?
What chemical processes are used to obtain the metal?
What are its common compounds?
Is it hazardous?
What is the element used for? How about its compounds?
How does these uses relate to its properties?
How important is the metal and its compounds in our everyday lives?
What does it cost?

Year 9 homework 2- periodic table quiz 15.10.12

Print out picture & fill the gaps!

Year 9 homework 1- periodic table story 15.10.12

Print this out & complete!

The Kid was down at the gym pumping (Fe)  ______. He paused and filled his lungs with (O)__________.  It was really hot and the  (Hg) ____________was still rising.   Sweat was pouring off him and he needed a drink – bottled (H2O)  ____________ as  he hated the taste of (F)___________.

Now was the day he had been waiting for.  He had planned the (Ra) ________ the bank so carefully.   This was to be the big one.  He was sure there was (Au) ______ in those vaults just for the taking. 

He had kept an eye on the bank for weeks. Recently they had cut down to only two staff and on Thursdays the assistant manager finished early.
Just before closing time the kid forced his way in and threatened to fill the manager full of (Pb) _______ if he didn’t open up the vault.  The manager grinned and did as he was told without comment. The vault was empty!  “The gold bars,” shouted the kid.  “They (Ar) ________.”    “Yep,” said the manager.  “The branch closes down tonight. The gold’s went weeks ago. Still, every cloud has a (Ag) _________ lining: they’ve also removed the alarm system today.”      

 Looking the kid straight in the eye he said  ”Beat it kid before I call a (Cu)________. The (Ne)______   lights of Las Vegas will have to wait for your visit.  They like dollars and you haven’t got a (Ni) ______. “  There was nothing to steal except an old (Sn)______ of beans from the staff kitchen.  The kid snatched them and was  gone with the wind.

The manager wondered – should he phone the police anyway just to give a description: around five feet six tall with long dreadlocks. Dreadlocks - I bet he spent all day (Pt)____________ he laughed to himself. He decided not to bother. The kid had actually brought a bit of interest into what was an otherwise (B)_______ afternoon.    No fear of a  (C) ______ copy crime here he thought as he closed the (Al) ______windows and pulled shut the bank door for the last time.

Wednesday 10 October 2012

New topic!

Year 9s!

We will be starting a new topic on Monday (15th October) about metals.

If you want to do some preparatory reading for the topic go to:

This will give you information about acids, alkalis, metals & the reactions between them.

We will be completing the tests for this topic on Bitesize later on but feel free to have a go at them now.

Ms Timms :)

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Homework part 2- falling objects 17th September

falling objects- stuff you need to know!

In the fourth century B.C., Aristotle stated that an object falls with a speed proportionate to its weight that is, the heavier the object, the faster it falls.

This idea was generally accepted until the 17th century, when Galileo showed that the rate of fall caused by gravity is the same for all objects.

However, on Earth these objects fall at a different rate because of air resistance. In a vacuum, a lump of lead, a feather, and a leaf will fall at the same rate.

This phenomenon was demonstrated by astronauts on the moon, which has no atmosphere. In one experiment, a hammer and a feather were dropped together from the same height; both fell at the same rate and struck the surface of the moon simultaneously.

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Homework 17th september

Revision of gravity & space topic homework:

Read the information pages on BBC bitesize following the links below:



Complete the activities & test on space- print out your test & stick it in your books in the next lesson!
Hand in Monday 24th September

You may also find it useful to draw some of the diagrams in the notes pages & make some extra notes for your revision
We will be having a test on this topic before half term.

Sunday 9 September 2012

Newtons cannonball

Homework 10th September

Title: Newton & gravity- Why do we measure force in Newtons?
You need to include
1.Who is Sir Isaac Newton?
2.What 3 things that Sir Isaac Newton investigated during his life?
3.Why is the unit of force names after Sir Isaac Newton?
4.Why is it incorrect to say that Newton discovered Gravity?
Deadline: Monday 17th September

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Welcome year 9s!

Welcome to your blog!
I will use this to upload any useful stuff from the lesson & homework materials.